Our branches will be closed on Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents Day. All Fort Financial branches will reopen for normal business hours on Tuesday, February 18. As a reminder, you can always access your account 24/7 with online and mobile banking. For a complete list of our observed holidays, click here.

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Dear members,

Fort Financial Credit Union has made the strategic decision to close its branch located in Gastonia, North Carolina.

The board of directors carefully considered the effects of the geographic distance between North Carolina and the credit union headquarters in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and the highly competitive marketplace in North Carolina. They concluded that closing the Gastonia branch would allow the credit union to reallocate its resources to markets that could provide growth opportunities.

Members Credit Union, headquartered in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, sought to expand to the Gastonia market and has agreed to purchase the branch and extend employment offers to the entire branch staff. They will be operating this branch as a shared branch location, which means that Fort Financial members may continue to access their accounts at this branch.

North Carolina and South Carolina members will not not have any changes to their accounts and membership with Fort Financial. The shared branch network will allow members to continue to use this branch and access their Fort Financial accounts and perform basic transactions, such as deposits, withdraws, transfers and loan payments. Visit our locations page for additional shared branch locations or visit www.co-opcreditunions.org for more information on shared branching.

Members in North Carolina and South Carolina are also eligible to open membership directly with Members Credit Union. Contact them at 1-800-951-8000 or visit memcu.com/gastoncounty for more details.

The Gastonia branch will close on Friday, September 13, 2024 and is scheduled to open Tuesday, September 17, 2024, as a Members Credit Union branch. Click here for a brief introduction from Members Credit Union.

Although this decision was difficult, we are pleased to provide solid options for our membership and staff. This move will place Fort Financial and Members Credit Union into a more competitive position for future growth opportunities.

Thank you for your understanding of this matter.

Steve R. Collins signature

Steve Collins
President & CEO

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