Imagine if a skimmer at a gas station stole your credit card information and duplicate cards were sent all over the state. Envision that someone impersonated you to apply for a new loan or credit card or that person committed a crime and used your name and information when apprehended. Suppose your child’s Social Security number was compromised and the thief created an entirely new identity; severely affecting your child’s financial future.
What would you do if you were faced with one of these scenarios? We are here to help should you or a member of your family has their identity stolen.
Protecting Our Members
All Fort Financial members are eligible for fully-managed identity fraud research, remediation and recovery services, performed by certified, licensed recovery advocates, if identity fraud is known or even suspected.
Should you experience a compromise of your personal information, contact us for assistance immediately. We will put you in touch with a recovery advocate who will do the work for you to restore your identity. In addition, if an eligible family member experiences an identity fraud event, he or she is covered too.
Eligible Family Members
- Spouse or domestic partner
- Dependents under age 25 with the same permanent address — even if they are in college or the military
- Any other IRS qualified dependents
- Parents with the same permanent address — living at home or in elder care (nursing home, assisted living, hospice, etc.)
- Plus, all eligible family members are covered up to 12 months after death — an important feature as identity fraud affecting deceased individuals is very common.
Read Our Blog Post on Identity Theft Restoration
Types of Identity Fraud
As an added service, we have arranged for the professional identity fraud research, remediation and recovery benefits to extend beyond just accounts with us to cover all types of identity fraud — this includes both financial and non-financial fraud, such as:
- Medical fraud
- Bank and credit card fraud
- Government documents and benefits fraud
- Employment fraud
- Phone and utilities fraud
- Identity Recovery Services
- And many more
Reporting Identity Fraud
If you suspect identity fraud, or if your personal information becomes compromised, contact us at 260.432.1561, and we will securely submit your case. A personal recovery advocate will contact you directly by phone within one business day. Or you may contact the Recovery Care Center directly at 866.647.6223.
Your dedicated professional recovery advocate will complete the legwork on your behalf to research and remediate all identity fraud incidents and restore your identity to pre-event status — no matter how long it takes!
Depending on your identity fraud incident, these efforts may include:
- Performing research to determine the extent of the problem, including a review of all three credit reports (if appropriate).
- Assisting with the placement of fraud alerts with the three major credit bureaus.
- Writing letters and making calls on your behalf to dispute fraudulent information.
- Coordinating with government agencies, financial institutions, creditors, etc. to resolve incidents.
- Working with law enforcement to help to arrest and prosecute the criminals.
- Following up for 12 months after recovery.
Should you lose, misplace or have stolen an important document or credential, a recovery advocate will help you replace them. This service covers credit cards, licenses and other government-issued documents, just to name a few. Call Fort Financial Credit Union at 260.432.1561 or visit to learn more.
Account Fee
Beginning the last day of the month you join Fort Financial, a monthly account fee of $0.95 will be added to your primary share account to offset costs of these services. You will see this account fee reflected on your statement as “ID SafeChoice Fee.” If you have any questions about the fee or wish to cancel this account, please call 260.432.1561.
Identity Theft Expense Reimbursement Insurance
This added protection is available to cover out-of-pocket expenses incurred during the identity recovery process, up to a maximum of $10,000.*
Additional Protection
You have the option to purchase additional identity fraud protection services. These packages are available for all members, including those who may not already have identity fraud protection available through Fort Financial Credit Union. Available additional services include:
- Fully-managed identity recovery
- Credit monitoring
- Credit report and score
- Additional expense reimbursement insurance
Visit for more information and to purchase one of the available packages today.
- Your eligibility for the Identity Theft Recovery Services (“Services”) is based on owning a Fort Financial share account (“Covered Account”). You have NOT been registered with a third party and no consumer information was used for the implementation or management of these Services.
- Services are extended to accountholders at the discretion of Fort Financial Credit Union (FFCU) and may be cancelled upon 30 days’ notice to the accountholder. You are entitled to the Services only while you own a Covered Account or you otherwise meet the eligibility requirements established by FFCU.
- There is no fee for using the Services; however, the account to which the Services is attached, or other designated account, may have a monthly fee, based on the provisions of the agreement that you have with FFCU.
- Services extend to all named accountholders of the Covered Accounts, plus their spouse or domestic partner, dependents in the household up to age 25, other IRS-qualified dependents in the household and parents living at the same address as the accountholder, or living in hospice, assisted living or nursing home. All eligible family members are covered for up to 12 months after death.
- Services are non-transferable, non-cancelable (except in the event of termination of the Group Plan) and have no cash equivalent.
- The Services include reimbursement for expenses incurred in identity theft recovery up to the limit of $10,000. Refer to the Identity Theft Expense Reimbursement Evidence of Coverage forms for additional information.
- The Services may assist in seeking reimbursement for funds stolen in the identity theft incident, and/or providing assistance for filing a claim for insurance, but do not provide a guarantee of reimbursement for financial losses of any kind arising from the identity theft incident.
- All partners make no express, implied or statutory representations, warranties, or guarantees in connection with the services, relating to the quality, suitability, truth, accuracy or completeness of any information or materials contained or presented in the services, nor implied warranties arising out of course of performance, course of usage, or otherwise in connection with any service or solution.
- All partners do not warrant that the services shall operate error-free or uninterrupted. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the services, and any information or material contained or presented through the services, are provided to you on an “as is,” “as available” and “where-is” basis with no warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of third-party rights. All partners do not offer any warranty of any kind regarding third party data, software, systems or other technology.
- Eligibility for the Services is based on identity theft events that are discovered and reported to FFCU on or after the effective date of the Services.
- Identity theft is defined as fraud that involves the use of any combination of a consumer’s name, address, date of birth, Social Security number, bank or credit/debit card account number or other identifying information without the knowledge of the consumer, and such information is used to commit fraud or other crimes.
- FFCU and/or its service provider of the identity theft recovery services cannot be held responsible for failure to provide or for delay in providing services when such failure or delay is caused by conditions beyond its control.
- Services may be refused or terminated if it is deemed that the accountholder or eligible family member is committing fraud or other illegal acts, making untrue statements or failing to perform his/her portion of the recovery plan. Services will not be refused or terminated due to the complexity of a case.
- The Services are only available to residents of the United States. Identity recovery is only performed with agencies and institutions in the U.S., or territories where U.S. law applies.
*Identity theft insurance is underwritten by Lyndon Southern Insurance Company, a member of the Fortegra family of companies. The information provided is a program summary. Please refer to the Identity Theft Expense Reimbursement Evidence of Coverage forms for additional information including details of benefits, specific exclusions, terms, conditions, and limitations of coverage. Coverage is currently not available to residents of the state of New York and may not be available in other U.S. territories or jurisdictions in the future.